Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Celebrating the Cold, Julia Child, and the Harvest with Rich Celery Gratin

I loved you Julia Child, and still do! Thank you for introducing me to the idea of butter, butter, and more butter!
Today was the first cool day in a summer full of 90s and 100s. In Montana that is odd and in my many years of living here, I do not remember the heat like this. I decided quickly to celebrate it, and reminded that it was Julia Child's 100th birthday, I broke out the good fat and a head of celery.

I adore Julia Child, and who doesn't. She was an inspiration, living into her 90's and eating good fat all day, she proved incredible.

Celery came in our CSA box this week and it was sweet, beautiful, and extra crunchy. I use it in stocks, mirpoix, and soups but was wanting to be adventurous. I heard about celery gratin, a creamy sort of gratin that uses crunchy celery instead of potatoes. I made something up, and it turned out to be an honor, I home, to Julia.

Rich Celery Gratin inspired by Julia


3 tablespoons butter
1 head of celery chopped
1/2 sweet onion, chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper

2 cups homemade chicken stock (home made is best)
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup red wine
cornstarch (about 2 tablespoons)
8 ounces (or 1 package) cream cheese
2 hand fulls shredded cheese -your choice-I used raw milk cheddar

1 recipe biscuit dough

Take a cast iron skillet, plop in your butter and chop your celery and onion. Saute the celery and onion for several minutes in the butter to release the flavor. Breathe it in and love it! Sprinkle with salt and pepper and then add your stock and wine. 

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

Turn to high and boil your celery as the mix reduces. After several minutes turn down your heat so it only bubbles, add your cream and stir. Add your cornstarch and thicken. Add your cream cheese in little chunks and stir until it softens and melts. Add your shredded cheese and melt. Turn off your heat and stir until its done bubbling. 

Plop the biscuit dough on top of your creamy mixture in the skillet and put it all in the oven for ten to fifteen minutes until the dough is cooked, fluffy and lovely. 

This, my friends, was a very creamy, deeply nourishing and satisfying dinner.


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