Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Delicious and Nourishing (Not Lunch Lady) Salisbury Steak

I had this salt and onion carving, and made it come true!

Why do you taste so good with salt and meat?!

I usually hate the idea of school lunch and my first grader brings a home packed cold lunch almost every day of the week. Occasionally, he will indulge in corn dog day, his favorite of all hot lunch days. Confession, my favorite was Salisbury steak and mashed potato day, and I was craving it in a crazy way.

I therefor declared I would find a way to make it in a not gross way, and tonight, I mastered that, and then some!


1 pound 85/15 ground beef
1 dinner roll, crumbled onto a cookie sheet and turned into bread crumbs
1/2 cup minced onions
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 pastured egg
1 tbl Worcestershire sauce 

Flour for dusting
2 tbl butter

parchment paper
1 large cast iron skillet

Turn your oven on to 350 degrees. Take a dinner roll or two slices of artisan bread and crumble it onto a cookie sheet. Bake in your oven for around 5 minutes, not burning the crumbs but drying them out.

In a large mixing bowl, add your beef, egg, onions, salt, pepper and Worcestershire. Pull your bread crumbs from the oven and allow them to cool. Add the crumbs to the bowl and with your hands mix thoroughly. 

Put a sheet of parchment paper on a plate. Separate your beef mix into eight equal sized balls. On the first layer of parchment, place four balls and flatten them to less than 1/2 inch thick, closer to 1/4 inch. Dust with flour, then lay down a piece of parchment paper on top. Take the next four balls, flatten them into 1/4 to 1/2 inch patties and then dust with flour.

Allow the patties to sit and mellow at room temperature for about 30 minutes.

Heat your cast iron skillet to medium high heat and melt your butter. Add four patties, flour side down, and sprinkle the tops with a bit more flour.

Cook until the edges start to look more brown than pink, about 5 minutes, then flip. Cook for another five. Remove and allow to rest on a plate while you cook the next batch.

We ate ours alongside mashed potatoes and butter poached carrots. Soooooo yummy!


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